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Licciardello G, Scuderi G, Russo M, Bazzano M, Bar-Joseph M, Catara A. 2023. Minor variants of Orf1a, p33, and p23 genes of VT strain Citrus Tristeza Virus isolates show symptomless reactions on sour orange and prevent superinfection of severe VT isolates. Viruses, 15, 2037
Licciardello G, Ferraro R, Scuderi G, Russo M, Catara A F. 2021. A Simulation of the Use of High Throughput Sequencing as Pre-Screening Assay to Enhance the Surveillance of Citrus Viruses and Viroids in the EPPO Region. Agriculture, 11(5), 400
Bar Joseph M., Catara A., Licciardello G. 2021. The puzzling phenomenon of seedling yellows recovery and natural spread of asymptomatic infections of Citrus tristeza virus: two sides of the same coin. A historical review. Horticultural Reviews, 48
Russo M., Catara A.F. 2019. Phenotyping Biological Properties of CTV Isolates, p.15-27. In: A.F. Catara, M. Bar Joseph, G. Licciardello (eds.), Citrus Tristeza Virus: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2015, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019.
Scuderi G., Catara A.F., Licciardello G. 2019. Genotyping Citrus tristeza virus Isolates by Sequential
Multiplex RT-PCR and Microarray Hybridization in a Lab-on-Chip Device, p.127-142. In: A.F. Catara, M. Bar Joseph, G. Licciardello (eds.), Citrus Tristeza Virus: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2015, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019.
Holeva M.C., Morán F., Scuderi G., González A., López M.M., Llop P. 2019. Development of a
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Licciardello G, Ferraro R, Russo M, Strozzi F, Catara A, Bella P, Catara V, 2016. Transcriptome analysis of Pseudomonas mediterranea and P. corrugata plant pathogens during accumulation of medium-chain-lenght-PHAs by glycerol bioconversion. New Biotechnology,
Scuderi G., Lombardo A., Raspagliesi D., Russo M., Catara A., Licciardello G. 2016. Development and evaluation of a novel probe microarray for genotyping Citrus Tristeza Virus using an integrated lab-on-chip device. Journal of Plant Pathology, 98(1): 25-34.
Scuderi G., Russo M., Davino S., Ferraro R., Catara A., Licciardello G. 2016. Occurrence of the T36 genotype of Citrus Tristeza Virus in citrus orchards in Sicily, Italy. Plant Disease, 100(6): 1253.
Trantas E.A., Licciardello G., Almeida N.F., Witek K., Strano C.P., Duxbury Z., Ververidis F., Goumas D.E., Jones J.D.G., Guttman D.S., Catara V., Sarris. P.F. 2015. Comparative genomic analysis of multiple strains of two unusual plant pathogens: Pseudomonas corrugata and Pseudomonas mediterranea. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6:811. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00811.
Licciardello G., Scuderi G., Ferraro R., Giampetruzzi A., Russo M., Lombardo A., Raspagliesi D., Bar-Joseph M., Catara A. 2015. Deep sequencing and analysis of small-RNAs in sweet orange grafted on sour orange infected with two Citrus tristeza virus isolates prevalent in Sicily. Archives of virology, 160: 2583-2589.
Martinelli F., Scalenghe R., Davino S.W., Panno S., Scuderi G., Ruisi P., Villa P., Stroppiana D., Boschetti M., Goulart L.R., Davis C.E., Dandekar A.M. 2015. Advanced methods of plant disease detection. A Review. Agronomy for Sustainable, 35 (1): 1-25.
Ialacci G.M., Bella P., Licciardello G., Strano C.P., Eichenlaub R., Gartemann K-H., La Rosa R., Catara V. 2015. Clonal populations of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis are responsible for over a decade of outbreaks of bacterial canker in greenhouse tomatoes in Italy. Plant Pathology. doi: 10.1111/ppa.12424.
Licciardello G., Bella P., Devescovi G., Strano CP., Sarris P.F., Catara A., Venturi V., Catara V.. 2014. Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas mediterranea strain CFBP 5447T, a producer of filmable medium-chain-length polyhydroxyalkanoates. Genome Announc, 2(6):e01260-14. doi:10.1128/genomeA.01260-14.
Strano C.P., Bella P., Licciardello G., Fiore A., Lo Piero A.R., Fogliano V., Venturi V. Catara V. 2014. Pseudomonas corrugata crpCDE is part of the cyclic lipopeptide corpeptin biosynthetic gene cluster and is involved in bacterial virulence in tomato and in hypersensitive response in Nicotiana benthamiana. Molecular Plant Pathology, 09/2014; DOI:10.1111/mpp.12207.
Licciardello G., Jackson R.W., Bella P., Strano C.P., Catara A.F., Arnold D.L., Venturi V., Silby M.W., Catara V. 2014. Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas corrugata, a phytopathogenic bacterium with potential industrial applications. Journal of biotechnology, 17 (1): 65-66.
Aiello D., Scuderi G., Vitale A., Firrao G., Polizzi G., Cirvilleri G. 2013. A pith necrosis caused by Xanthomonas perforans on tomato plants. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 137: 29-41.
Licciardello G., Raspagliesi D., Bar Joseph M., Catara A. 2012. Characterization of isolates of Citrus tristeza virus by sequential analyses of enzyme immunoassays and capillary electrophoresis-single-strand conformation polymorphisms. Journal of Virological Methods, 181: 139-147.
Golmohammadi M., Llop P., Scuderi G., Gell I., Graham J.H., Cubero J. 2012. mRNA from selected genes is useful for specific detection and quantification of viable Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri. Plant Pathology, 61(3): 479-488.
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Bella P., Ialacci G., Russo M., Catara A., Catara V., 2011. Characterization of Alternaria alternata isolates from tangerine hybrids affected by brown spot in Italy. Acta Horticolturae, 892: 245-250.
Russo M., Grasso M.F., Bella P., Licciardello G., Catara A., Catara V., 2011. Molecular diagnostic tools for the detection and characterization of Phoma tracheiphila. Acta Horticolturae, 892: 207-214.
Scuderi G., Golmohammadi M., Cubero J., López M.M., Cirvilleri G., Llop P. 2010. Development of a simplified NASBA protocol for detecting viable cells of the citrus pathogen Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri under different treatments. Plant Pathology, 59: 764-772.
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